Hi pups, kitties, humans, and any other critters out there! I hope you had a great week. It's time once again fur Ask Cloud. So many good questions!
First off, is a question from my second favorite grouchy kitty. You will find out who is my first favorite in a moment.
Ali Z. wants to know,
How many squirrels have I actually caught in the last two weeks?
Well now Miss Ali, I'll tell you - I've caught EXACTLY the same amount of squirrels in the last two weeks that I've caught in the last 8 years -
NONE!!! I think this fact truly shows my strength of character and exceptional level of dedication. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!!! I will continue to bark and chase, to keep my family and the rest of the world safe from these
evil creatures. If you really cared about others Miss Ali, I would suggest that you do your part in this war. Are you a citizen of the world Miss Ali? We're all in dis together!
My buddy
Max wants to know,
Who is my favorite fur friend (not in cyberspace)?
Well Maxdog, it used to be my brother
Benny. He went to the Bridge early this year at the age of 14. It made us all so sad. He thought I was a pest, but I'm sure it was all an act. I mean, what dog WOULDN'T love me taking their toys, bossing them around, and humping them every morning??? I miss him so...!
These days, my favorite fur friend is our cat H.R.H.
Boomer, The Queen of the Universe. She is 16 years old, and she holds the Heavyweight title in
Supreme Grouchiness. Dis is why I have no fear of Miss Ali Z. Since Benny has become an angel, me and Boomer are for real, kinda sorta furiends! We share mom's lap, and sometimes she even lies on top of me as long as I'm under a blanket, BOL! Sometimes she will sniff my eyes and be nice, other times she will walk right up to me and smack me across the face! I never know what to expect from her. I love her so...!
The Munchkins want to know,
How did I ever get to be so stinkin' cute????
Well you two, I come by it
honestly. As you can see, I was
born dis way. And over the years the cuteness has only
increased, to the extent that I have the power to turn my mom into a babbling idiot at any given moment. I try to use my powers only fur
good. It's part of the Wonderdog Code.
All your nice comments last week about my moms work made her blush. Thank you! :-)
Twix asks
how much does she charge to do a painting of a dog.
Well Twix, it depends on how big the painting is (the bigger the painting, the longer it takes), and things like if there is more than one dog, and if there is a lot of detail in the background. To give you an idea, an 8 x 10" head pose of one dog with a simple background is 180.00 US dollars. Quality work can take a lot of time, and when it's all said and done, artists make a lot less per hour then most people think. But mom loves to paint dogs and make people happy. She would be happy to answer any questions you would have. You can email her any time.
Thank you all fur your questions. If anyone has a questions fur me, I will answer in next weeks Ask Cloud.
Have a pawsome day, and remember: do your part - bark at a squirrel!