Hi furiends! For dis Unity in Diversity World Cup post, mom is going to try to talk about Spain without mentioning their furry handsome goalie. I seriously doubt that she can make it through a whole post, but I'm willing to give her a chance.
(Do you see the soccer ball in dis picture??)
Mom visited Southern Spain in 2005, and her First Impression was that of beauty, and it stayed wiff her the whole trip. The colorful buildings, the cascading flowers, the food, the people... it was truly a feast fur the eyes.
There was a lime tree going outside mom and dad's hotel room. Mom thought that was just the neatest thing:

The food in Spain was just incredible! Mom wishes she had taken some pictures of it, but either didn't have the camera at the time, or just didn't think about it. But there was ham that was cured in the fresh mountain air for a year and then sliced paper thin. Fresh seafood and vegetables. The best steak she ever had, and Paella from a small restaurant that had to be ordered the night before so the restaurant owner could go to the sea the next morning and catch the seafood himself, and take it to his mother, who prepared it fresh for the evening meal. OMD!!!
Dis is the famous Cathedral of Seville. It was breathtaking inside and out!
Just a fun street scene. Mom loves horses...
Mom said she noticed a great sense of pride among the people, pride in who they were, what they were doing, and pride in their heritage and country. Fashion also seemed to be furry important in Spain, because most of the people looked like they had stepped out of a fashion magazine.
Mom said that people brought their dogs into the cafe's and restaurants!! The dogs were furry well behaved. That sounds like a furry wonderful place to me!!
Mom didn't go here, but she had to take a picture. She says dis is fur my kitteh friends:
**waves at Madi**
Do you know what that dark mountain in the distance is?? It's Africa! Dis picture was taken in Gibraltar, and Africa was only 17 miles away. Mom waved at it, and said she would visit someday...
Boomer has her paws crossed fur Spain, who are playing in the quarterfinals on Saturday:
Rah. Go Spain.
Don't stare too long into those eyes... she may turn you to stone. Or at least bop you on the head... BOL!
And here is just a weird picture of me running. I don't know why mom wants to show it, but whatever, mom...
If you want to read more wonderful Unity in Diversity posts, click here. Maxmom has them listed on the side. I love learning about other countries, don't you? :-)
PS. Mom says don't furget the real reason to watch the game Saturday...
Well, she almost made it though a whole post. ;-)
I loved Spain. Got to tour the southern bit for two weeks my sophomore year of college, and it's been my favorite trip anywhere to date. You're so right about the fashionable population! This American felt quite underdressed the entire time.
I think those are all excellent reasons to watch the game!
Spain is such a beautiful place! Many thanks to you and your mom for sharing all those pictures!
What pretty pictures...ooops mom means wonderful pictures of the buildings. No Dad, not the guy...
Hope you can make it to our pawty. It won't be the same without you!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
I seriously hope to see Spain before I die. It sure looks beautiful!
I seriously hope to dee dat goalir befores I die.
OH MY CATS....someone has wised up finally a cafe dedicated to Gatos like me however; add and r and you have gators. MOL
Boomer you are gorgeous and fyi
Cloud is spreading rumors about you turning things to stone....
Cloud what in the world were doing jumping about in all this heat!!!
GREAT SHOT OF Cloud pretending to be a Cloud.
Cloud don't let mom get the vapors over the soccer dude
Gosh, what a Most Beautiful country Spain is. I'm not so sure abouts that kitteh restaurant. I mean, um, what do you think they - you know - serve there?
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. My mom is glad your mom couldn't get through the whole post without pictures of that cute goalie.
Looks so beautiful there. Thanks for sharing. :)
Those are some wonderful pictures! I always love going to new countries!
Thanks for the travelogue. Cool pic of running Cloud!
Spain is another country where dogs can go to restaurants and stuff? What is the matter with the USA? We are lagging in the dog friendly race! That is quite the good looking goalie. No question about that. It looks like Spain has quite a lot to be said for it.
wags, Lola
Good try of your mom, Cloud =)
Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Thor xxxx
I think they should have doggy world cup soccer - I am a GREAT soccer player! I beat my Mom all the time. She is a slow runner.
Wonderful post!! We enjoyed the cup very much. Watching Le Tour now and love that each year!!
Licks from me!!
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