She commandeered the box in the above photo a few weeks ago when mom re-did her files. She loves that box and lays in it all the time and would be furry sad if mom took it away. So mom let her keep it. It doesn't look furry comfurtable to me, but we all know cats are just weird...
Boomer is a slim and trim 7 pounds, has emerald eyes, and packs a mean right hook. She can bop you on the head like nobodies business! Mom says she is "berry bootiful."
Boomer LOVES to take naps!
When she is awake she is usually giving me dirty looks like dis:
Wowzer! She's older than Lilac! Happiest of Birthdays to Boomer and many happy returns!
Wow, that's old, yet impressive! Your mom takes good care of you guys, so you'll all live a long, long time!!
What a pretty kitty and whew, what an age! Big congrats to the kitty...she probably still has at least 8 lives left. I love those emerald eyes (nearly as stunning as Cassilas's outfit LOL. I'm sure she can fly too :))
Lotsacuddles to Cloudy buddy too.
Happy birthday to your kitty sister, Clound. Simone and Happy send their best wishes as well. Brooklyn is still trying to learn exactly what a kitty is. Or a birthday. He's kind of low information at the moment. 17 is a most impressive age, even for a kitty, but they can live a furry long time. Simone is planning to bury us all. Some sooner than others, I'm afraid.
lotsa licks, Lola
Awwwwwe, Happy Birfday to Boomer. Gosh darn, dat is an OLD kitty. But a very purty one.
What is it with them kitties and boxes? I think dat just be weird.
Preacher Puddles
Oh my cats....Boomer is a beauty!!
17 years young and wise. Happy B-day Month to you reigning Queen of the Universe. Cloud ask Mom to give Boomer kitty hug from us. We'd ask you to do it but clearly that would be dog-i-cide!!!
Oh and Cloud I have a question,
Do you rent your bark out or do you have a tape of it? If so, I'll pay good feline dollars for it. MOL
You know, Cloud, that cats can remember every bad thing anyone has done to them and who did it. So clearly, when she is giving you dirty looks she is remembering the time you humped her. So until you leave home, I wouldn't be looking for any sweetness and light from Boomer.
Happy Birthday, Boomer, have a good party!
Cheers and hugs,
Stella and Jo
Happy Birthday to Boomer! Cloud, you are a very nice brudder to give such a nice post in her honor. Maybe she won't bop you quite as hard next time ;~)
YIPPEE! Happy birthday to Boomer! I do thinks she is Most Lovely and I luvs her name. Do you ever gives her kisses?
Wiggles & Wags,
Wow, 17, really? I would have never guessed. She doesn't look 17 at all. Happy Birthday to your kitty sister! :)
Happy 17th Birthday! I hope you have many, many, many more!
At firsts I thought that said 17 MONTHS. She certainly looks like you could count her age in months! 17 years! That is very happy birthday! Are you having a big pawty?
Do woo think she'd bop me too?
Happy Boomer Month!
Happy Birthday Boomer!
You look very young and healthy. That is great!
HapPy 17th BiRtHdAy Boomer!
My mom has had several cats but none of them lived more than eleven years so kudos to your mom!
Happy Birthday to Boomer - the Queen is very beautiful - may she live for many more years to come.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Happy birthday, Boomer! Looking extremely good for your age.
holy cats...literally! happy 17th birthday to your kitty sister, miss boomer!! i'm stayin' away from her right hook for sures, though.
the booker man
Happy Birthday Boomer!!!
Cloud.. nice to see you.. :)
Licks from me!
Happy Birthday Boomer!
You look great!
You too, Cloud!
happy birthday! My kitty sister died at 14 cause' her liver shut down... :(
happy birthday! My kitty sister died at 14 cause' her liver shut down... :(
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