Hi evfurrybody! I had something FURRY exciting happen to me last week - I got to meet #1 from The Poupounette blog! She had commissioned two paintings from my mom, and came to Iowa for a big horse show last week, so we got to meet her!!

Mom posted about the paintings on her blog today if you want to see better photos of them, but since this is MY blog, I'm just going to tell you about what the meeting was like fur ME!
#1 (and her friend) were both furry nice, and petted me and said all kinds of nice things to me. Her friend was French, so #1 would speak French to her, and it sounded like music to my extremely cute and suave ears! I enjoyed how it sounded, especially when they were talking about my toenails being different colors, and about my dignified greying muzzle. And about how handsome I was, we can't furget that, BOL!

I don't look especially happy in dis second photo, but that was only because the sun was in my eyes.

It was so much fun to meet #1, and for all you who are wondering, she is just as nice in person as she is on the blog.
I'm sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. Mom has a lot of irons in the fire these days, and blogging time has been put on the back burner. I promise to check in whenever there is news, and more often when I'm able. Know that I love all my blogging friends, and think of you often and hope you are all well.
Luv and kisses to you all,