Mom was at Petsmart and saw these Marfa Stewart beds and decided she was tired of me laying on top of the back of the sofa and squishing it into a swaybacked mess, so she got me one.
She knew I would look dashing and oh-so suave in Marfa Stewart Blue. She was right.

Since it's been about 800 degrees here lately, I've been spending a lot of time playing inside and hanging out on my new Marfa bed.
Easy, grrrrrls.....

As you can see in these pictures, mom had to put loud crinkly paper on top of the sofa to keep me off. Dis is because even tho I like my new Marfa bed, I prefer to lie on top of the sofa and squish it, BOL!
Mom got me dis Star Bite thingy:
It was pretty good. I carried it around fur a long time before I ate it.
Mom and I have been furry upset about sad things going on - the deaths of Bear Bear and my good friend Dr. Dre, the TX greyhounds, and close to home, the loss of a friends husband. We found dis on Puddle's site and I'm keeping my paws crossed and thinking pawsitively about a world of love. We know the good things far outweigh the bad, but sometimes it's easy to forget...
PS. Mom is furry busy wiff work right now, so we may not be blogging much, but she says she will try to let me post at least once a week. I miss my furiends!!! :-(
A Marfa Bed!!! What a furry lucky boy you are to get this snazzy bed.
I wonder if Marfa makes beds for bigger dogs like me, or just for little twerps like you. I'm gonna have my Mom go look!
Don't feel bad about not posting too often. We aren't either, its just too hot to do anything!
Sleep tite in your Marfa!
Cloud, you look hot in your new Marfa bed, I bet you sit in there flexin' you muskels.
HOWEVER, nuttin comes close to squishing da couch cushions. Got my own beds too but I looooves da couch, better view of da world up theres.
So many horrible stories out there in Blogland lately. I didn't get da opportunity to meet Dr. Dre before I heard his story. I am very sorry I didn't get to either cuz I went back and read his blog furevers and OMG, he was ONE hilarious doggie. I was crying I was laughing so hard. OUr thoughts go out to his family and to yours cuz he was your furiend.
Cloud you are looking very dapper in your new digs....mom and dad got their first ever leather couch last week. What does this have to do with me...well it means more pedicures for me, which by the way I detest. Mom said maybe she'll try some crinkly paper on the back of it because there used to be cloth couch in the same spot that I L O V E D!!
Mom and I are sorry to read about the passing of your human and furry friends.
Have a good weekend Madi and Mom
Hi Cloud,
Nice bed! Our mom tried that trick with us soon after she got our new sofa. She is so silly though. Cause napping on the squishy sofa pillows lets us keep an eye on the front yard. We can't do that from our bed!
Stay cool!
hi cloudy~!! hehe--my mum is liking the marfa stwewards stuffs too. :)
she got me a toy box. i don't wanna toot my horn but, mum let's me sleep anywheres--REALLY! she doesn't get mad because she says that i don't sheds. ;)
and it is very sad how all these horrible things have been happening. i feel the same way puddles does about dr. dre. :(
Please tell your mom we understand and we anxiously await her return!!
And we love your new bed. If we didn't get to sleep on the big bed with the tall guy, that's what we would want too!
Great bed! Tell your mommy we understand completely! See you later, my friend!
We've been admiring those Martha products at the store, and Mom thinks Morgan would look great in that red and turquoise collar, but we've noticed Miss Stewart doesn't seem to think we bigger dogs need some bed selection! We love how comfy you look in yours!
Has Marfa khontakhted woo to do some ads?
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
What an awesome bed! I agree with Khrya. You should do some Marfa ads :)
Love the new bed..looks comfy :) You keep mom smiling Cloud and give her lots of hugs from us!!
Licks from Olive
Woo - you look like a model on that Marfa bed! But, we agree, the top of the couch gives you great snoozervising positions.
Hey there Cloud
I'm sorry about the sadness in your life at the moment. THere's nothing like something new to cheer you up and that bed of your is....mmmmm....sauve! (What more can I say)
Tell you mom that we will love her no matter how busy she is...so long as she...just sometimes thinks of us. Afterall, I think of you everyday because I walk past dear Max-terpiece! :)
Sending lotsaluv
That Marfa bed totally rocks. I bet you have some good dreams !!
That bed is great looking. So nice and modern, like out of a magazine. No reason it has to be one or the other - couch or bed. You just have options now.
lotsa licks, Lola
Wow, check out that new fancy bed. Looks nice and comfy!
Dang, you hawt,,,fleeeeex!
I personally think swayback couch tops are perfect. My two leggers disagree. Grr... I'm glad you got such a fancy bed to ease the transition though!!
Hugs to you and your family to help get through these difficult times.
Hello dere Cloud!
I stopped by to formally introduce myselfs. I'm Minna Krebs, and I saw you dancing at da Bachelorette Pawty (woohoo..you can really shakes your stuff)
I also just LOVE your momma's paintings of you....she is awesome.
I be your latest follower...so I hopes we can be furrends,
Dropping by to let you know there is an award waiting for you on our blog. We received this award and we're paying it forward to blogs that we think are exceptional. Don't worry if you already have it, this just means others thought your blog was worthy too.
Hugs Erin
Fancy new bed cloud!! Don’t forget to hop on over to my blog for the Give-A-Way! You could win a custom made dog collar just for YOU! You even get to pick the fabric and style. All you have to do is leave me a comment and get an extra entry by also telling me what your favorite fabric is or by posting about it on your bloggie! It’s that easy peasy for 3 chances to win!! I hope you will play with me!! Good luck!
Oh, Cloud! My mom has been full of the busys, too, and that's why it's taken us today to come by and say hi! You looks very much handsome on your Marfa bed. But I'm sorry about the crinkly paper, though.
Thank you for helping out with the entertainment for the bachelorette pawty. You gave us a show we'll NEVER forget!
Wiggles & Wags,
Hi Cloud.
Your new bed looks so comfy and nice. Take good care of your mom!
Sam always thinks we are bringing him home sparring partners when we buy him new beds! We are glad you are enjoying yours!
Marfa Stewart would be so charmed wif your life Cloud. I'm you newest follower...Hi dee HO!
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