Well now, Superman has kryptonite, Cloud has thunder. The end.
Some of you may remember my very first poem that I wrote waaaaaay back when I started my blog. I'll give you a hint. It was about thunder.
Seriously, the thunder is twice as loud at this house as our old one in town. It rattles the windows. It splits the sky. It chills me to my bones. My real bones, not my toy ones.
So mom read about dis thing called a Thundershirt, and how it helps dogs be less scared of thunder by putting gentle pressure on their torso, like a constant hug.
Hmmm...I like hugs!
We went outside fur to take some good photos of it.
Here I am looking very suave:
We haven't had a thunderstorm yet, but I'll give a report on my thundershirt when we do.
Cloud the Brave, no matter what he's wearing. Except in a thunderstorm. Until now.