Today is the day of my berf! I am 9 years old today. 9 years ago, baby Cloud came into the world to make it a cuter and suaver place, and to strike terror in the hearts of squirrels everywhere.
Mom says we get to go to PetSmart today fur some new toys!
I also got my big berfday spoon of peanut butter!!
Mom says she can't believe I'm 9 years old already... The time goes by so fast. Sometimes she gets sad when she sees how grey my muzzle is getting.
Would you rather I HIDE???
Have you ever heard of George Clooney? The Silver Fox?
Besides, only humans think about things like growing old...
Life is fur living! Fur being happy and playing!
Life is fur loving. So hug your family and furiends.
Wishing evfurryone a wonderful day!!