Hi everyone! I have two questions that are awaiting answering, so I'll get right down to it.
Madi the kitty wants to know if I have any idea as to why
dis picture was orange???
Madi, my mom says that light colors reflect the colors around them. That's why when she paints white fur, it is rarely pure white. Next time you are laying by something colorful, ask your mom to look at your white fur and see if it is reflecting some of those colors. (This happens wiff black fur too!) So moms best guess is something with the camera settings may have let enough light in the lens to over exaggerate the beige carpet reflecting the red walls.
I think she's full of beans. What really happened is the Mothership was getting ready to beam you up, but was blocked by your exceedingly strong Diva Aura. I'm glad because I like having you fur a blog friend Madi.
And finally the
Feisty Three say I have so many great pictures (thanks!) and want to know if I mind having my picture taken?
Well guys, I usually don't mind it, because it seems to make mom happy, and when mom is happy, everyone is (usually) happy. I don't mind the attention either, but sometimes I pout if I have to "sit" and "stay" fur pictures fur too long. Then all my pictures look
sad and mom tells me to go play, BOL! Works like a charm... ;-)
If you're interested, mom wrote a 3 part series of dog photography tips on her blog a while back. It's probably boring, but there are pictures of me and my angel brother Benny. You can find them here:
And if you want even more, there is a page of tips on her website
We've seen some really wonderful photos around the dog blogs. I LUV looking at all the great photos of my furiends.
Ok, have a great day everyone, and be sure to check back later because I have a BIG surprise!!!!