I got a package in the mail today from my good bloggy furiend
Stella! I was so excited to win her 200th post giveaway, woohoo!!!
Mom took the package to the back yard fur to get better photos. Mom let me sniff it so I could try to guess what was inside...
Look, a note from Stella!!!
I was so excited to see dis blue duck toy that I grabbed it before mom could cut off the straps that attached it to the cardboard...

and carried it away from her so she couldn't have it, BOL!

I took it to the grass to get a better look.

Then I realized it would be more fun to play wiff if it wasn't attached to cardboard...

...so I took it back to mom. She's pretty good at stuff like that!

Please to unwrap dis fur me...?
Thanks mom!!!

BOL, dis my crazy face!!! I plead temporary insanity...

RAWR, gimme dat Blue Duck!!!

I carried Blue Duck out to the grass and when mom called me I came back...

but then decided...

that I'd better go around the table first.

Dis was to prove an important point:

That mom is not the boss of Blue Duck. Blue Duck is MINE!!!
I think I made myself clear...
Then mom showed me the package of cookies!
Cookies, you say???


Mom let me have three cookies, den I wanted to play wiff Blue Duck again.

Den she said I had to bring Blue Duck inside so he wouldn't get dirty, so I carried him myself!
I LOVE Blue Duck and the cookies!!!
Thank you so much Stella my sweet, you really made my day! :-D
Luv and smooches,